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Support Ticket

Support Ticket SAB IT SERVICES brings to you an easy to use Admin based management by providing user a ticket number and details of time .To minimize compliance risks of users and increase productivity. A ticketing system allows customers to contact a company via their preferred channel, but also ensures support agents are setup for success with a consistent view into the customers—including contextual data and previous support requests—all within a highly organized system that tracks

  • Record your time and Date of users all in one system
  • Submit timesheets from anywhere, anytime
  • Track number of users per day on different reports and activities
  • Log both billable and nonbillable hours
  • Track Times : One of the first benefits to using ticket management software is the ability to track times – and you need to track the times. Your goal should be to have good ticket response times on an ongoing basis. If the response times are not good, you need to know about it and then take the necessary action to work towards improving them. When you’re unable to track ticket times, it’s difficult to see just how efficient you are. Each time a new ticket is opened, it starts a timer so that you can see how long they are open for. You will be able to see which technicians are closing the most tickets and which ones are not.
  • Communicate : Communication is critical within any business and having ticket management software will allow you to communicate more with your employees. If you find that some of the problems occur because of “user error,” it may be a sign that more communication is needed. Employees may need more lessons on the hardware or software they have access to.
  • Prioritize : The software will also teach you more about how to prioritize. Some tickets will come in that are a lot more important than others. For example, your help desk will need to know that it’s more important to focus on a downed network than it is to reset the secretary’s password, again.The prioritization levels will vary based upon the kind of software that you opt for. You may be able to set the prioritization on your own. Further, you can set rules so that some of the tickets will increase in priority on their own. This will take some of the guess work out of it for your help desk support staff. Some of the “high priority” items can also be sent to a manager or CIO so that they are made aware of the problem. They can then track it until it is closed to ensure that it is being given the emphasis that the task requires.
  • Reduce Expenditures : Finally, software can actually help you to reduce expenditures. You will quickly find out where the biggest issues are within your business. If you find that a significant amount of your help desk support team are spending time doing things that standard employees should know how to do. If you find that you’re able to close tickets faster than normal, your IT team may need to be downsized, thus saving you a lot of money in labor.
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